Client: Keeney Holdings LLC.
Insta-Plumb, a push fit tubular plumbing system that was launched by Keeney Holdings, LLC. Because this was a new product, I was responsible for creating and developing the visuals for the brand. While the logo was provided to me, The rest of the designs below are a collection of some of the pieces I did. 
Packaging Design & Art Direction: Gary Cutting
Merchandising And Promotional items

As a new product, the concept of Insta-Plumb was unfamiliar to the consumer. It was our job to create merchandise displays to educate as well sell the benefits the customer would gain. 

The aisle violator was designed to be in the retail setting, sitting in the aisle next to the hanging merchandise & tray kits,
drawing additional attention to the new product. The shirt and hat are self-initiated, and didn't go into production. These items designed to have the sales people to wear and give away on sales calls & tradeshows.
Aisle Violator & Promotional Item Design: Melissa Schrager

Traykit Layout Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager
3D Modeling: Chris Guminak

A demonstration display that was designed to sit next to the rest of Instaplumb products
and for the consumer to try out the Insta-Plumb product, and see how easy it was. 
Photography & Label Design: Melissa Schrager
Empty Store Rack Mockup : Vectorpocket / Freepik


This advertisement was designed for the Orgill Newsworthy magazine, it caters to Orgill franchisee's.
 This was a self-initiated project, and wasn't published. 

Copywriting, Layout Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager
3D Modeling: Chris Guminak

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