The aisle violator was designed to be in the retail setting, sitting in the aisle next to the hanging merchandise & tray kits,
drawing additional attention to the new product. The shirt and hat are self-initiated, and didn't go into production. These items designed to have the sales people to wear and give away on sales calls & tradeshows.
Aisle Violator & Promotional Item Design: Melissa Schrager

Traykit Layout Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager
3D Modeling: Chris Guminak

A demonstration display that was designed to sit next to the rest of Instaplumb products
and for the consumer to try out the Insta-Plumb product, and see how easy it was.
Photography & Label Design: Melissa Schrager
Empty Store Rack Mockup : Vectorpocket / Freepik
This advertisement was designed for the Orgill Newsworthy magazine, it caters to Orgill franchisee's.
This was a self-initiated project, and wasn't published.

Copywriting, Layout Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager
3D Modeling: Chris Guminak