Seal 4 Test is a new plumbing product that caters to the commercial and wholesale market. Professionals who build multi-level developments.
It saves them time and labor. With it’s innovative double-sided adhesive washer, that allows for 1 person installation, and a test plug that makes pressure testing for leaks easier.
It saves them time and labor. With it’s innovative double-sided adhesive washer, that allows for 1 person installation, and a test plug that makes pressure testing for leaks easier.

The problem was to create a logo for this new product being launched in December 2018. The client's requirements were the logo to look sturdy & industrial. The logo to have 1 or 2 colors, preferably red & black.
He also requested if we could try and incorporate the product into the logo in someway.
He also requested if we could try and incorporate the product into the logo in someway.

Above: Mind map I created to generate ideas for logo sketches.
Right: Some of the initial sketches for the Seal 4 Test logo.

The solution was to create a logo with modify the number 4 to create a simplified symbol of what the part would look like installed into the wall.
Art Direction: Gary Cutting
Logo Design : Melissa Schrager
Logo Design : Melissa Schrager

Display Demo & Merchandise Tray Design (on left & right): Sarah Bengtson

Self-initiated project. Didn't go into production
Package Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager