Seal 4 Test is a new plumbing product that caters to the commercial and wholesale market. Professionals who build multi-level developments.
It saves them time and labor. With it’s innovative double-sided adhesive washer, that allows for 1 person installation, and a test plug that makes pressure testing for leaks easier.
The problem was to create a logo for this new product being launched in December 2018. The client's requirements were the logo to look sturdy & industrial. The logo to have 1 or 2 colors, preferably red & black.
He also requested if we could try and incorporate the product into the logo in someway. 
Mindmap for Seal 4 Test

Above: Mind map I created to generate ideas for logo sketches.
Right: Some of the initial sketches for the Seal 4 Test logo.

The solution was to create a logo with modify the number 4 to create a simplified symbol of what the part would look like installed into the wall. 
Art Direction: Gary Cutting
Logo Design : Melissa Schrager 
Seal 4 Test demo display used for tradeshow
Seal 4 Test merchandising traykit

Display Demo & Merchandise Tray Design (on left & right): Sarah Bengtson

Self-initiated project. Didn't go into production
Package Design & Photography: Melissa Schrager

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